Have compassion for yourself during this time

I was coaching a client last week who has been having a really tough time in his business. COVID-19 has created all sorts of challenges.

The challenges of staying profitable, of making very tough decisions, of letting go of people, the challenges of setting up remote working for an entire previously office-based organisation. And then there’s the personal complexities - living and working from a noisy home, the drain of being in lockdown for so long, the uncertainty of the future…

My dear client was in a low place. And I know that many are. Actually for many, 2020 is like an extreme rollercoaster, with more downs than ups. This client had started to beat himself up, to question his own competence.

If this resonates with you, please read on.

We are in a crisis. And you are likely having a few crises of your own to add to the mix.

These are unprecedented times. You will have more noise in your head right now. Accept this. Accept the the negative voice in the head and the shitty feelings. Realise that many many people are facing challenges it is not unique to you or personal to you.

When you’re in a low Quality of Mind, it is not the time to listen to your thinking. Actually 2020, is not the time to pay too much attention to what’s going round in your head, to make any drastic decisions.

Now is the time, to be kind to yourself and to those around you - to have empathy for all thoughts and behaviours that occur. The situation and the crises will pass, so too will your low Quality of Mind.

If you really want to challenge yourself and transform your life and work, then join our Quality of Mind Virtual programme or come on our 3-day Quality of Mind retreat.

First published on LinkedIn, on Jun 17, 2020 by Martin Palethorpe


The 'working from home' mindset shift


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